Friday, August 20, 2010

Back To School...Kind Of...

So here's the pics of our new homeschool set up. Em and Grace at the wet bar counter with their computers and the other three at the table in the family room. Good thinking on Josh's part to keep that table for that room, huh? It was a good first day or sort of first day. I actually decided at 6:00 that morning that we would start school. As of the night before we were going to start on Monday. But I was up at 6:00 and just couldn't fall asleep so I decided we would just get ready and start. The computers were set up and I figured we could use a couple kind of practice days anyway. But Sophia hasn't started yet. I need to get to Sidney to pick up her teacher manuals from a friend and then get some lesson planning done. Hopefully I will be ready on Monday because she is very impatiently waiting! I did get the older girls caught up on their immunizations...Brooke needed hers to start public school. But while at the clinic I realized that I had completely forgotten about my statements of intent. I have to send them in to the superintendant of schools. I am supposed to have them in to her office two weeks before starting school!! Oops! Need to get those together this weekend and have them ready to mail on Monday. Thankfully we have a great superintendant that shouldn't mind. Of course if someone had a fit we would just add on two weeks of school at the end...I mean really...whatever. So I'm ahead on many things but very very far behind on more things, ha ha. That is just the way it seems to go. It does feel good to be back to schooling though. There is just such a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when everyone gets their work done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I just happened upon your blog this morning (by the way, I've enjoyed reading several of your posts) and noticed here that you were planning a trip into Sidney ... would that be Sidney, Mt?

    My husband was transferred to Williston,ND almost two years ago and we are now in the process of selling our house in S.E. Texas and preparing for a move to the Sidney area.

    Sooo, If you are from or near the Sidney, MT area, I have a question because we also home school ... I was wondering if you could share any information about the local homeschool group/s in that area. I've tried finding information from the internet without any success. If you'd like, you can e-mail me at trudybmk at yahoo dot com

    Thanks, and I look forward to "stopping by" again soon.

