Monday, March 28, 2011

Getting It All Done

We had a pretty good day today as far as school goes.  I think I need to make a list the night before of everything that should be done though.  Because I feel like I was busy the whole day and that we got a lot done, but when I look back on it I realize that I forgot to do spelling with Grace.  There are probably more things I didn't get done, but I can't think of them right now.  I guess Allison's little school is another one.  I couldn't get Sophia's math done because I needed to make some copies for her assignment and our power was out for a couple hours today.  But I did get up on time and did my back stretches.  Then I had breakfast with the girls and sent them off to do their morning chores while I got ready.  It was pretty much school in the morning and then lunch.  Lunch was interesting today since I had planned on making spaghetti so Josh could have the leftovers before he went to work.  But with the power out, we had to make due.  We are completely out of peanut butter, which is a tragedy at our house.  We only had one can of tuna left and 2 slices of turkey.  But we made it work along with some leftover salad and tortilla chips.  After lunch we picked up the house and Lydia and Allison went down for their naps.  I read some of our read aloud book to Emily, Grace, and Sophia.  Then, as usual, I fell asleep.  Reading after lunch makes me so sleepy and a little snooze is so nice!  But when I woke up I realized that I had forgotten about feeding Josh something.  Thankfully Grace saved the day and made him one of her famous cheese omelets.  I visited with Josh a bit and then he left.  The time after that is fuzzy, he he, which means I probably didn't accomplish much.  I seem to remember a little bit of watching tv, but not much so I don't really know where the time went.  Next thing I knew, supper was in the oven and Rhonda was over for Grace's piano lesson.  Then we had supper and cleaned up the house yet again.  We washed the little's sheets tonight so we had to make up all of the beds.  It made for a busy night.  Thankfully Brooke read to the littles for a while so we could get the beds made.  So now the chatting is quieting as they are all falling asleep.  Except Brooke of course although I'm sure she will be hitting the sack pretty soon.  She is hoping to actually get to go to school tomorrow.  So anyway, at the end of the night, here is where Emily found me venting:

She thought I had lost my mind.  But in this spot I was able to vent my frustration at the lack of time I have for exercising.  It always comes down to either I forget about exercising and have a day like today where I accomplish a lot as far as schooling and cooking goes.  Or, I make exercising a priority and then it always seems to mess up everything else that needs to be done.  I know it may look crazy to be talking out loud to the wall behind the couch.  But I promise this was not me completely losing my mind because...

Brooke was behind the couch, sitting in the corner!

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