Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School Is Starting!

Well, school is set to start on Monday. But here I sit with just one computer ready. Grace is all set to start school. But Brooke and Emily's computers are still getting fixed up at Radio Shack. They are waiting for some more memory to come in for one of them. I am really praying that I get them by Friday or there is no way we can start school on Monday. Why in the world would I wait until two weeks before school starts to take in their computers??? Even getting them by Friday doesn't mean I will get them up and running by Monday. If I have any problems at all I will not be able to reach customer support until Monday. UGH!

Okay, so anyway, I am looking forward to starting and getting back on schedule. I always start the year with such high hopes. I have the perfect, organized schedule for our days. I plan on turning the ringer off during school hours this year. We will see how that goes! I also have high hopes for all the extras I want to get done on top of the basic school. I would love to have the girls journal atleast a few times during the week. I have a computer music theory program that Emily and Brooke really should do. Math Blaster is my new program to help Emily and Grace with their math facts. That one will be easy since I've already installed it and I can hardly keep them away from it. Then there is typing, and teaching Emily how to email. Brooke is supposed to blog about our homeschool on here once a week. That one I really hope we stick to!

So with that all said, I am going to turn this blog over to Brooke to run. I hope to also get on here once in a while with updates on our schooling!